IPFS Weekly 85

IPFS Weekly 85

# Welcome to the IPFS Weekly

Here’s what’s happening lately in the InterPlanetary File System (opens new window) galaxy and beyond! 🚀

# ProtoSchool explores the Async Iterables returned by js-ipfs 0.41

The recent release of js-ipfs 0.41 introduced a huge async/await refactor, and the breaking changes were no joke! The affected ProtoSchool tutorials have been updated to reflect the recent changes, highlighting which js-ipfs methods now return Async Iterables and how you can use /for await…of/ loops or alternative helper modules to work with them.

Check out the updated content in our Mutable File System (MFS) (opens new window) and Regular Files API tutorials (opens new window), then check out the updated event submission process for local leaders to list virtual workshops on ProtoSchool’s events page (opens new window)!

# Latest launches 🚀

# Using IPFS to fight COVID-19

Here is a followup to our bounty for creating a CORD-19 dataset:

We now have a CORD-19 collaborative cluster dataset, but it won’t be useful if the people that should use it don’t know that they can access this content from the IPFS network!

Please share it freely: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qme2F949GSfupReGPMKJ4EQTGi9hzzUcsJvRS1Mr8YVNzQ

# Meet Fleek

Not only did our friends at Terminal do an entire platform rebrand to become Fleek (opens new window), but they’ve been busy churning out new features at the same time! Check out their latest announcement (opens new window) detailing their user interface rebrand, an introduction to the Teams feature, and new fan favorite: Framework Auto Detection.

# Top highlights this week

# People are building the coolest stuff with IPFS

# Calls for contributors

Come hack on the OpenTelemetry Tracing for OrbitDB (opens new window). This, combined with the HTTP tracing in #IPFS could lead to some awesome metrics + tracing +observability on the distributed web.

Calling all rustaceans, rustafarians, ferrosities, and rustlers! Community participation in making Rust-IPFS a reality (opens new window) is encouraged and welcomed! If you want to pitch in, here are a few ways (opens new window)!

# Attend one of these exciting events from the comfort of your own home

  • 3rd ZK Proof Workshop (opens new window): April-May 2020, Bringing together top researchers, developers and business practitioners to showcase the latest academic achievements and practical applications for ZKP privacy schemes.
  • ETHGlobal (opens new window): 30 day virtual hackathon beginning 2020 Apr 24! Designed for hackers around the world to build DeFi applications. Apply now to participate!
  • Ethereal Virtual Summit (opens new window): 2020 May 7-8, Join the first-ever virtual conference and experience a stellar collaboration of technologists, artists, startups, entrepreneurs, and investors engaging directly with the latest developments in Ethereum, blockchain, and decentralization.
  • Consensus Distributed (opens new window): 2020 May 11-15, Tune in for dozens of sessions across multiple tracks and days to better understand what the future might look like, especially in a post-COVID-19 era. It’s the same great content you’ve come to expect from Consensus, but virtual.

# Job hunting? Work on IPFS!

  • Community Engineer, libp2p (opens new window): Help introduce new open source projects to libp2p and clear hurdles for them to adopt the libp2p stack for the networking layer of their system. Protocol Labs, Remote
  • Engineering Manager, IPFS (opens new window): Engineering managers have the challenging and exciting task of supporting and empowering engineering teams to deliver complex internet-scale systems in an environment defined by curiosity, passion, and a love for open source. Protocol Labs, Remote
  • IPFS Community Lead (opens new window): Provide tactical support for the IPFS community, creating a global community strategy, and executing this strategy on the ground! Protocol Labs, Remote
  • Software Engineer, the Underlay Project (opens new window): Strong full-stack web developer with an interest in semantic web and decentralized web technologies. The Knowledge Futures Group, Remote
  • Technical Product Manager, 3Box (opens new window): Own the delivery of new technical products and features across the 3Box suite of developer APIs, SDKs, and plugins, and manage the onboarding, engagement and partnership activities to ensure a thriving community and network. 3Box, NYC, Berlin, or Remote

Take care of yourselves and each other. ❤️

Get involved with IPFS by checking us out on GitHub (opens new window), joining discussions on our community forum (opens new window), or hitting us up in chat (opens new window). Have a suggestion? Email us.

Get the IPFS Weekly in your inbox (opens new window), each Tuesday.